Terms & Conditions

MacArmy maintains certain terms and conditions for its users. It is advised for the users to kindly read all the terms of use carefully before preceding any further. You will be bound to follow the terms imposed by the company to move further. Do not continue or sustain on the website if you have any dispute with our terms and conditions.


www.macarmy.com is a well-established organizations having the copyrights to its offered products. We have the copyrights of the content, images and the variety of products offered by us. No reproduction, replication, recreation of any content or product is allowed. In that case, the organization has all the rights to take legal action against the individual or the group of individuals involved.


When the user accesses the website or makes use of any of our products, they express their concession to have two-way communication in the future. We can reach users through emails, publications, newsletters, etc. The communication can refer to problems related to the promotion of new products, including invoices or estimates.


The organization holds the complete right if any sort of intentional or unintentional activity is reported by the user.

  • Warning(s) will be issued
  • Access suspension
  • Service suspension of the product
  • Legal action in court
  • Permanent service denial from the site


We, at MacArmy offer the complete description of all the products offered. All the offered utilities work as per the specifications and provided features. Although, the company is not responsible for any malware or damage found while downloading the tool.